Formal sit down
Posted April 23, 2020 at 01:20 pm

Hey everyone! Back from a brief hiatus. 

If you don't follow me on social media: with everything going on, I've been feeling extremely burnt out and fallen behind on a lot of things expected of me. Which led to a lot of disappointment and shame spirals- culminating in a meltdown while trying to put together last Monday's comic-- this comic.

I'm not 100% back to myself yet. As you might be able to tell, this comic is only flatted, no shades or highlights. I thought I was okay coming back, but then it took me 3 hours to flat haha. 

I'm trying to be proactive in recognizing what I'm feeling before I spiral- and then setting a pace that I can work with. The fact of the matter is, I'm not working at my old 100%. Nor should I expect myself to. Stuff is weird. It's okay to feel weird. So right now is about figuring out what I am capable of in an 8 hour period, and scheduling around that.

Godslave is back to it's regular Monday/Thursday schedule! I'm sorry it disappeared without a word here. But we are back, the comic may appear in at different stages, but I'd like to continue on with its regular schedule. I know first hand how much I appreciate distractions and content binging in times like this, and I hope Godslave can continue to be that for someone.

I don't know if any of this made sense! But I hope you're well and hanging in there. See you on Monday!
